Some of our frequently asked questions

How many teachers and children are in each classroom?
The number of children and teachers in each classroom varies widely by age. We determine the number of children and teachers, starting with licensing guidelines for teacher/student ratios. The basic guidelines are as follows:
Children under two years of age max ratio is 4:1.
Children between two and three years of age max ratio is 5:1.
Children between three and six years of age max ratio is 10:1.

What are BFC's hours?
Our Explorer classroom, ages 0-2, is open from 7:30-4:30, our Trailblazer classroom, ages 2-3, is open 7:30-4:45 and our Navigator classroom, ages 3-5, is open 7:30-5:00. The BFC is open throughout the year, with the exception of being closed for one week in December and for additional days throughout the year for national holidays and teacher in-service days. All families receive a school calendar at the beginning of the year detailing all closings.

What does a typical day look like?
When you arrive at the BFC you will be greeted by one or more of your child’s teachers and other staff who are working in the center. Often at both the beginning and end of the day, based on our staffing patterns, your child will work with teachers with whom they will not spend the majority of the day. During the morning your child will be offered breakfast, will engage in free-choice activities, will have supported curriculum opportunities, circle and outside time. Your child will then have family style lunch with their classmates, followed by rest time. Following rest time the children will again have a variety of curricular choices, afternoon snack and a second time outside on our playground. Toward the end of the day, children will engage in quiet activities with their teacher.

How Often do children go outside?
Children who attend BFC go outside twice per day, weather permitting. Families are expected to bring clothing that is appropriate to the season, so that children may comfortably enjoy the outside. In November 2009 the BFC was fortunate to receive a new play structure that is located on our pre-school playground. Rules for conduct on the play structure can be found in our documents section.

How does billing work?
BFC charges tuition on a monthly basis. Tuition for child care is due by the last day of each month. Individual families whose needs may differ are encouraged to speak with the Executive Director to create effective payment plans.

Does BFC Offer meals?
Bristol Family Center provides breakfast and an afternoon snack each day to children that follow the specific CACFP meal pattern. Families are asked to provide their own lunch for their child with two ice packs. Menus are emailed to families at the beginning of each month, and posted in all classrooms. If families are aware that their child might not eat a particular food that is offered, they are welcome to send in a supplemental option. Meals are served family style and teachers sit and eat with the children. Children are given the opportunity to serve themselves and learn to self-regulate by observing their own hunger and fullness cues. Staff members encourage children to try new foods, but never force or bribe children to eat.
Below is a link where you can access the CACFP non-discrimination statement and complaint procedures:
Please click HERE to access the USDA Notice to Beneficiaries.

Does BFC provide specialized services?
The BFC is recognized by the State of Vermont as a specialized services provider. Children who require services may have those services implemented at the center. The BFC works closely with the local Essential Early Education (EEE) program, the Children’s Integrated Services (CIS) team and other local agencies as needed. Examples of services that have been provided here at the center for children in the past include: mental health consultations, speech and language services, occupational therapy and physical therapy.